Thursday, October 11, 2007

Transportation in Medan

The data is update accoding my personal experience. The data is pretty like city in my eyes. Different impression. Depending on when to buy it , where to buy it, and who is buy it….., I mean if you appearance like an “ ai ai ho giak” (rich aunt) maybe you can get little expensive price than other.

Note: 1 USD = Rp. 9.200
1 RM = Rp. 2.600

This some transportation which most of people use it.

Angkot ( mini bus):
Most angkot is one price : Rp. 2.500 for route around city. Its chip but not all angkot have good condition . People seldom choose this for they transportation. I use angkot if my destination is near.
Becak (machine trishaw):
Rp. 5.000 for the nearest destination. This transportation is faster than angkot because no need waut for other passenger.

Siauche (Rental car):
This is bus for 10-14 people, and we pay it for a month: Rp. 200.000 – Rp.350.000/month Siauche take your to same place every day especially Saturday and Monday. I also use this transportation when I was studied.

Car or Motorcycle:
Drive your personal car. Be carefull with traffic jam or traffic accident.

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